Saturday, July 27, 2024

Protest of Harris for Alabama FB removing my comments

A couple of days ago the administrators of the Harris for Alabama | Facebook removed three comments of mine. I requested a phone conversation to discuss the objections that the administrators had to my comments that were removed. The administrators declined to afford me a phone conversation to discuss the objections they had to my comments. I am drafting a protest, which I am posting here.

The "About" of Harris for Alabama | Facebook says:

Welcome to Harris for Alabama. We are an official group of the Joe Biden campaign whose purpose is to:
1. Bring together Kamala’s supporters in Alabama to create a community of supporters who can encourage activism and volunteer efforts in the campaign
2. Serve as a point of interaction between supporters and campaign staff
3. Be a source of information about the Vice President & her campaign that supporters can share to their wider networks.
As an official group of the campaign, it is crucial that we embody his vision of restoring dignity and respect. This begins with what we post and how we personally interact here. 

I created Harris For Alabama ( I say at Harris For Alabama: Purpose; getting started ( this:

The purpose of this is to be a tool for Alabamians to campaign for Kamala Harris.
There is currently a Facebook page Harris for Alabama | Facebook.
It seems reasonable for Alabamians campaigning for Kamala Harris to have additional social media platforms and tools for doing their campaigning.
This "blog" is amateurish as an additional social media tool for Alabamians to campaign for Kamala Harris.

On Harris for Alabama | Facebook I have been trying to solicit the views of other members of the group of what they thought about additional social media platforms and tools for campaigning for Kamala Harris. I did this by making individualized comments on posts made by other members of the group, which individualized comments included links to Harris For Alabama: Purpose; getting started (

I am attempting individualized interaction with other members of the group in the community of supporters as legitimately seeks to encourage activism and volunteer efforts in the campaign. Not all members of the group see individualized comments by me to another member of the group, and I don't think my efforts at individualized comments to members of the group should be disallowed.

Yesterday I requested the Facebook administrators to read this protest. After making that request, I was removed from Harris for Alabama | Facebook by the administrators of the group. I wish to understand the objectionableness of what I have done.

[possibly to be continued]

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