Sunday, September 6, 2020

Twitter campaigning

[For reasons that will become clear, this blog entry appears identically in my two blogs Alabamians Tweeting for Biden-Harris-Jones and Alabamians Tweeting for Doug Jones.]

The digital/social media component of the Biden-Harris campaign is called the Biden Digital Coalition.

I have been selected as part of the Twitter (Hype) (Southeast) team in the Biden Digital Coalition.

I have posted on the Doug Jones for Senate facebook page this:

For what it is worth, I have been accepted as part of the Twitter (Hype) (Southeast) team for the Biden-Harris campaign.
I have done the Biden Digital Coalition onboarding course and am awaiting notification that I can go to Slack.
Whatever skills and learning I acquire in the foregoing capacity , I will be happy to apply the same to advance Doug's candidacy (subject to whatever constraints I am under as were outlined to me in the Biden Digital Coalition onboarding course).

I will be seeking guidance from the Biden Digital Coalition about how to carry out Twitter campaigning in Alabama for Biden-Harris. I seek similar guidance from the Doug Jones campaign about Twitter campaigning for him.

Subject to guidance I get from the campaigns about Twitter campaigning, I am getting to work on Twitter campaigning in Alabama

My opinion is that there should be much conjoining of the three names Biden-Harris-Jones in the Twitter campaigning in Alabama. The guidance from the campaigns may be that there should be less conjoining of Biden-Harris and Doug Jones names in Twitter campaigning in Alabama than I am envisioning. If I get such guidance, I will adjust accordingly.

For hashtags, the Biden Digital Coalition urges #TeamJoe plus a more special #BidenCoalition. For Doug Jones, I have been using #OneAlabama. I will solicit from the Biden Digital Coalition what they think about also having Alabama oriented hashtags of #TeamJoeAL and #BidenCoalitionAL.

How Twitter campaigners in Alabama can and should communicate with one another needs setting up. Pending setting up a mode of communication, feel free to communicate with me however you may choose.

I have little technical ability in the creation of webpages that might be utilized in Twitter campaigning in Alabama, and I will seek help if webpages are set up and used in the Twitter campaigning.

I will begin tweeting about Twitter campaigning in Alabama for Biden-Harris and Doug Jones.

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