"Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump capped off what would be a successful summer dinner for the Alabama Republican Party on Friday.Trump, the daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, offered remarks that culminated an event that raised more than $1.35 million for Republican causes, with the lion's share going to Donald Trump's election effort."
Lara Trump to ALGOP: Election not about Republican versus Democrat or left versus right — 'It is good versus evil in this country' (1819news.com)How should Harris-Walz campaigners in Alabama respond to this "Trump is good and Harris is evil" campaign messaging?
Email to Alabama Republican Party and Alabama Democratic PartyFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: algop@algop.org <algop@algop.org>; blumber@hiwaay.net <blumber@hiwaay.net>; oshaw@knology.net <oshaw@knology.net>; jwezell2012@gmail.com <jwezell2012@gmail.com>; claycogop@gmail.com <claycogop@gmail.com>; cummingsresearch@hotmail.com <cummingsresearch@hotmail.com>; elmoregop@gmail.com <elmoregop@gmail.com>; Fayettecountyalabamagop@gmail.com <fayettecountyalabamagop@gmail.com>; genevacountygop34@gmail.com <genevacountygop34@gmail.com>; "jeffcogopal@gmail.com" <jeffcogopal@gmail.com>; lawrencealgop@yahoo.com <lawrencealgop@yahoo.com>; leecountyalabamagop@gmail.com <leecountyalabamagop@gmail.com>; lcrecsecy@gmail.com <lcrecsecy@gmail.com>; Party@mgop.org <party@mgop.org>; gopmobilecounty@gmail.com <gopmobilecounty@gmail.com>; monroecountyalgop@gmail.com <monroecountyalgop@gmail.com>; montgomerygop@mgmgop.com <montgomerygop@mgmgop.com>; "garydhead@hotmail.com" <garydhead@hotmail.com>; chairman@shelbyalgop.com <chairman@shelbyalgop.com>; chairman@stclaircountyalabamagop.com <chairman@stclaircountyalabamagop.com>; membership@degagop.org <membership@degagop.org>; TallaGOP@outlook.com <tallagop@outlook.com>; "tuscalgop@gmail.com" <tuscalgop@gmail.com>; contact@aldemocrats.org <contact@aldemocrats.org>; houstoncountydems@gmail.com <houstoncountydems@gmail.com>; chair@baldwindemocrats.org <chair@baldwindemocrats.org>; info@chiltoncountydems.org <info@chiltoncountydems.org>; chair@limestonedemocrats.org <chair@limestonedemocrats.org>; chair.jeffersoncountydems@gmail.com <chair.jeffersoncountydems@gmail.com>; chair@mobiledems.org <chair@mobiledems.org>; shelbycountydems65@gmail.com <shelbycountydems65@gmail.com>; cleburnealdemocrats@gmail.com <cleburnealdemocrats@gmail.com>; tuscaloosadems@gmail.com <tuscaloosadems@gmail.com>; mtnbrookdems@gmail.com <mtnbrookdems@gmail.com>; hooverdemocrats@gmail.com <hooverdemocrats@gmail.com>; montgomerycountydemocrats@gmail.com <montgomerycountydemocrats@gmail.com>; info@madisoncountydemocrats.com <info@madisoncountydemocrats.com>; RocketCityDems@gmail.com <rocketcitydems@gmail.com>
Cc: shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; Susana Schuler <susana.schuler@hearst.com>; brendan.kirby@fox10tv.com <brendan.kirby@fox10tv.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; Mike Wright <mwright@waaytv.com>; Kay Norred <knorred@wvua23.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; Baylor Long <blong@hearst.com>; dwingard@wsfa.com <dwingard@wsfa.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; randy.merrow@fox10tv.com <randy.merrow@fox10tv.com>; gmcdonald@waka.com <gmcdonald@waka.com>; comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; newstip@abc3340.com <newstip@abc3340.com>; wvtm13@wvtm.com <wvtm13@wvtm.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM CDT
Subject: Lara Trump ("Trump good; Harris evil') and Alabamians' voting decisions
Dear Alabama Republican Party and Alabama Democratic Party:
Friday night at ALGOP's summer dinner, Republican National Committee co-chair and Trump daughter-in law Lara Trump said:
"I really do believe that this is not a time that is even about Republican versus Democrat or left versus right. Right now, it is good versus evil in this country. We've all seen it. We all feel it. And things are at a different level right now, a spiritual level. And I always say Donald Trump was made for such a time as this." Lara Trump to ALGOP: Election not about Republican versus Democrat or left versus right — 'It is good versus evil in this country' (1819news.com)
This casting of the election as "Trump good' and "Harris evil" would seem headed to be core Trump campaign messaging during the remainder of his campaign.
If that is the case, Alabamians should be aware of the same.
Many Alabamians may already think and believe "Trump good; Harris evil."
If "Trump good; Harris evil" is central Trump campaign messaging during the remainder of Trump's campaign, that will solidify and augment the believing of Alabamians about "Trump good; Harris evil."
Some Alabamians, whether they are for Trump or Harris, may think Trump's "Trump good; Harris evil" campaign messaging is bad for the country, and such Alabamians may publicly say so.
I, for one, say Trump's "Trump good; Harris evil" campaign messaging is bad for the country.
The purpose of this email is to get the Alabama Republican Party on the record either that they agree with Trump's "Trump good; Harris evil" campaign messaging, or that they disavow such "Trump good; Harris evil" campaign messaging.
Alabama TV stations are copied on this email for whatever investigation and reporting to their viewers the TV stations may choose to do about Trump's "Trump good; Harris evil" campaign messaging.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
[for filing in
Harris For Alabama: Lara Trump and Alabamians' voting decisions (al4bidenharrisjones.blogspot.com)]
Email to University of Alabama law professor Joyce Vance re Trump coming to TuscaloosaFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: jvance@law.ua.edu <jvance@law.ua.edu>
Cc: Brannon Buck <bbuck@badhambuck.com>; Terri B. Lovell <terri.lovell@alabar.org>; mckinney@watsonmckinney.com <mckinney@watsonmckinney.com>; suzanneduffey@mc-ala.org <suzanneduffey@mc-ala.org>; flatta@burr.com <flatta@burr.com>; wbrewbak@law.ua.edu <wbrewbak@law.ua.edu>; sgarrett@bsol.com <sgarrett@bsol.com>; ccampbell@faulkner.edu <ccampbell@faulkner.edu>; blakehudson@samford.edu <blakehudson@samford.edu>; christy.crow@jinkscrow.com <christy.crow@jinkscrow.com>; richard.raleigh@wbd-us.com <richard.raleigh@wbd-us.com>; daoffice@baldwincountyal.gov <daoffice@baldwincountyal.gov>; baldwinDA@baldwincountyal.gov <baldwinda@baldwincountyal.gov>; bob@schreiberadr.com <bob@schreiberadr.com>; jws@willsellers.com <jws@willsellers.com>; cdobson@maynardnexsen.com <cdobson@maynardnexsen.com>; jwilson@birminghambar.org <jwilson@birminghambar.org>; Alston Ray <alston.ray@butlersnow.com>; Ross Cohen <rcohen@bakerdonelson.com>; spratling@wskllp.com <spratling@wskllp.com>; Mark Ezell <mee@ezell-law-llc.com>; John Steiner <john@steinerlawllc.com>; spoer@scottdukeslaw.com <spoer@scottdukeslaw.com>; ddowd@burr.com <ddowd@burr.com>; Chris Christie <chris.christie@dentons.com>; Gwen Windle <gwindle@charter.net>; hello@waterssullivan.com <hello@waterssullivan.com>; ryeilding@bradley.com <ryeilding@bradley.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 04:23:13 AM CDT
Subject: Trump coming to Tuscaloosa: For the information of Morning Joe
Dear Joyce,
Please pass along to Joe and Mika that, in connection with Trump's coming to Tuscaloosa for the Alabama-Georgia game next Saturday, we in Alabama are doing what messaging we can about Trump needing to be held legally and politically accountable for January 6th.
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Trump should be held accountable legally and politically (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com);
Harris For Alabama: Trump should be held accountable legally and politically (al4bidenharrisjones.blogspot.com).